Topics: Career | Intern | SCMAGLEV

Some people know the career they want to have early in their childhood. Firefighter. Doctor. Lawyer. Actor. Teacher. Scientist.

Me? For most of my life, I had no idea. It took some time to figure out what I wanted to do, and although that journey was hectic and uncertain, now that I’m getting real-world experience in my chosen career field, I am certain that the journey was worth it.

Growing up, I was always interested in creative activities; whether it was dancing, fashion design, visual art, or production, I always found that exploring creative outlets sparked powerful emotions in me. When I danced, I felt innovative and carefree. When I designed clothing, it was an escape from reality that calmed me and prompted daydreams of how different garments would look on me. Creating a “pretend” news production where I’d report on the weather was fun and led me to believe I could produce entertaining and relatable work.

My focus shifted once I began running track and field at age 7. Aspirations of being a ballerina or fashion designer were put on the back burner as I focused on sports and physical health, and I briefly envisioned myself as a physical therapist. Slowly, however, I realized my desire to express myself creatively was more compelling than my interest in any medical field. The more science-related courses I took, the more I yearned for the world of creating. I felt restricted when following the laws and steps of science. I knew that being a physical therapist would be a safer and more practical choice, but it wasn’t the career I genuinely wanted.

I was set on utilizing my creativity to guide my profession, but unsure how to take the first step toward identifying my career path. One day, I stumbled upon Issa Rae’s hit show, Insecure. The show follows two modern black women dealing with their flaws, insecurities, and everyday experiences. Issa plays an awkward woman who goes through job frustrations and the all-too-relatable feeling of uncertainty. Eventually, she takes a risk by quitting her job and creating her own event planning company. After watching her identify and develop her process and start to plan elaborate events, I felt inspired and intrigued by her career. And, although event planning had sparked my interest, I felt like there was still a piece missing from my puzzle.

This is when I was introduced to the world of marketing through an introductory Marketing course in high school. My teacher, Mr. Lamb, was relatable, entertaining, and engaging, and made learning new subject matter a breeze. I enjoyed learning about SMART goals, market segmentation, and branding. I found myself particularly intrigued by community outreach. Community outreach and event planning go hand-in-hand, and I was determined to find a career that would encompass both. That’s when communications was suggested to me as a career option.

With college approaching quickly, I started my online research for careers within communications to help me narrow down a program that fit my needs. I ended up taking a big interest in public relations. After some more research, I found Morgan State University. I was instantly attracted to the beautiful campus, urban setting, and rich black history. More importantly, the strategic communications program had a good curriculum, was mission-centered, had a great network of resources, and offered various internship opportunities. With each click of the mouse, I was closer to the career I envisioned for myself.

Fast forward to today, as a rising senior at Morgan, I look forward to applying what I’ve learned to future endeavors. I know now that I want to use the skills I’ve developed in asset management, brand communication, and media to work my way up to a creative director position for a fashion or entertainment company.

Working as a summer intern at Northeast Maglev is providing me with the hands-on experiences and techniques I’ll need to push me through my career journey. As I work on developing social media strategies, video editing, copywriting, and researching ways to engage with the company’s audience, I’m learning what my strengths and areas of improvement are. I’m really excited to take what I’ve learned here and apply it to my final year at Morgan and beyond as I begin my journey in the world of communications!