Intern Blog: Tomas from Loyola University Maryland

Topics: Intern | Transportation | Travel

My experience traveling by train began after I arrived in Baltimore, Maryland for my first year at Loyola University. Coming from South Carolina, a state with little to no public transportation, I quite frankly did not know Amtrak existed and I obviously had not heard of Northeast Maglev. However, when my cousin invited me to … Continued

Photograph of the Baltimore Skyline labeled Happy Birthday Baltimore

Happy Birthday Baltimore

Topics: Baltimore | History | Northeast Maglev | Transportation

Happy Birthday, Baltimore! In honor of Baltimore’s 293rd Birthday, Northeast Maglev has decided to take a look at the history of the beautiful city where we are proudly headquartered. Baltimore's rich history and contribution to rail are just a few elements that make the city so legendary. Join us on this trip back in time … Continued