Intern Blog: Tomas from Loyola University Maryland

Topics: Intern | Transportation | Travel

My experience traveling by train began after I arrived in Baltimore, Maryland for my first year at Loyola University. Coming from South Carolina, a state with little to no public transportation, I quite frankly did not know Amtrak existed and I obviously had not heard of Northeast Maglev. However, when my cousin invited me to … Continued

LGBTQ+ Advocates: Pioneering Equality in Transportation

Topics: Advocacy | LGBTQIA | Transportation

In the vast timeline of history, certain figures stand out for their courageous advocacy and steady commitment to equality. Among them are LGBTQ+ individuals whose contributions have not only shaped social justice movements but also influenced industries across the board. While the railroad and transportation industry may not immediately come to mind in discussions of … Continued

Pride Month: Book Recommendations

Topics: LGBTQIA | Maglev | Pride | Transportation

What’s one of the best things to do on public transportation? Read! As part of our Pride Month recognition, we’ve put together a list of stories that were either written by LGBTQIA authors or highlight the LGBTQIA experience. All make great additions to a summer reading list! A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams Source: … Continued

Interview with Civil Engineer Jayne Tokar

Topics: STEAM | STEM | Transportation

According to 2019 U.S. Census data, despite making up nearly half of the U.S workforce, only 27% of STEM workers identify as women. Within certain sectors of STEM fields, these discrepancies are even steeper, with the percentage of women at only 16%. Thus, we were all the more excited to celebrate National Engineers Week (EWeek) … Continued

Photograph of a railroad crossing signal titled, "look both ways, rail safety week"

Rail Safety Week

Topics: Northeast Maglev | Safety | SCMAGLEV | Transportation

Raising Awareness of Rail Safety Did you know that federal statistics show that every three hours in the United States, a person or vehicle is hit by a train? These tragic and often fatal incidents are the motivators behind Rail Safety Week (RSW) in North America, an annual media awareness campaign led by Operation Lifesaver, … Continued
Photograph of a congested roadway and a traffic light, titled August traffic safety awareness

National Traffic Safety Awareness Month

Topics: Northeast Maglev | Safety | SCMAGLEV | Transportation

Traffic Safety is Transportation Safety August is National Traffic Safety Awareness Month, which reminds us to take safety seriously. The road can be a scary place; when you’re driving a car, you’re not only sharing the street with other automobiles – you’re also sharing it with pedestrians, cyclists, and sometimes, even trains. This month not … Continued
Photograph of the Baltimore Skyline labeled Happy Birthday Baltimore

Happy Birthday Baltimore

Topics: Baltimore | History | Northeast Maglev | Transportation

Happy Birthday, Baltimore! In honor of Baltimore’s 293rd Birthday, Northeast Maglev has decided to take a look at the history of the beautiful city where we are proudly headquartered. Baltimore's rich history and contribution to rail are just a few elements that make the city so legendary. Join us on this trip back in time … Continued
Photograph of the Superconducting Maglev with the skyline of Baltimore reading We Support Baltimore's Transit Future

Baltimore’s Transit Future

Topics: Baltimore | Northeast Maglev | SCMAGLEV | Transportation

We Support Baltimore's Transit Future The Greater Baltimore Committee (GBC) and Greater Washington Partnership (GWP) recently released a six-point roadmap to improve our regional transportation system. The plan, entitled Baltimore’s Transit Future provides important points of consideration for local leaders and voters to keep in mind as we head to the polls to choose the … Continued