Photograph of Northeast Maglev 2019 Summer Intern Sam Adebesin at Baltimore's World Trade Center

My Maglev Moment: Samuel Adebesin, Social Media Intern

Topics: Internship

I wasn’t sure how my interview had gone. I had shown up so eager to begin that I barely took in my surroundings. It was only thanks to GPS that I had reached the office in one piece, and I was trying to look cool and collected despite my nerves. The whole interview was a … Continued

Photograph of Northeast Maglev 2019 Summer Intern Lexi Paidas at the B&O Railroad Museum

My Maglev Moment: Alexandra Paidas, Marketing and CRM Intern

Topics: Internship

This summer I had the opportunity to be Northeast Maglev’s first Marketing and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Intern. Working at Northeast Maglev’s Baltimore headquarters has allowed me to use what I have learned from my marketing classes at the University of Maryland’s Smith Business School and my prior work experience to grow my networking, presentation, … Continued

Photo of Northeast Maglev giveaway items from the 2019 Maryland Association of Counties Convention

Another successful MACo Summer Conference in the books for Northeast Maglev

Topics: Events

From the B&O Railroad to the USS Constellation, Maryland has long been a pioneer of innovation in transportation. Being the birthplace of the American railroad, Baltimore has a history of transforming the city and the lives of the people in it. The superconducting Maglev project will provide Maryland with the opportunity to once again lead … Continued

Photo of Claudia Pierson with quote

UMBC Student Uses Fluency in Spanish to Promote Diversity and Inclusion During Internship with Northeast Maglev

Topics: Internship

We’re excited to introduce another of our 2019 summer marketing interns, UMBC technology student, Claudia Pierson! Claudia is a recent graduate of the Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville (CCBC), where she holds an Associate degree in Business Administration. Currently, she is pursuing a bachelor’s in Business Technology and Administration from the University of Maryland, … Continued

Photo of Lexi Paidas with a quote

University of Maryland Honors Student Eager to be a Part of Transportation History While Interning with Northeast Maglev

Topics: Internship

This week we’re excited to introduce you to our 2019 summer Marketing & CRM (Customer Relationship Management) intern, University of Maryland Honors student Alexandra (Lexi) Paidas. Pursuing a dual degree in Marketing and Information Systems from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at UMD, Alexandra’s academic career has been nothing short of amazing. Some … Continued

National coloring book day - photo of crayons on a table

National Coloring Book Day!

Topics: Coloring | Fun | Kids

Happy National Coloring Book Day! What better way is there to celebrate the joy of coloring than by coloring your very own SCMAGLEV train. This unique coloring book will explore the world's fastest and most efficient transportation system, the Superconducting Maglev, with over 10 illustrations - suitable for all ages. Each coloring worksheet features educational … Continued
Photo of Sam Adebesin with quote

UMBC Honors Student Uses Story Telling Skills to Land Internship with Northeast Maglev

Topics: Internship

The Northeast Maglev would like to take a moment to introduce our Summer 2019 Social Media Intern, UMBC Honors Student, Samuel Adebesin. Samuel is currently pursuing a dual degree in Communications and Psychology at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. He’s been inducted into the UMBC Honors College and the school’s Humanities Scholars Program. Samuel … Continued

Geotechnical Boring: Studying what lies under our feet

Topics: Geology | Tunnels

Geotechnical investigations are performed to learn about the physical properties of the rocks and soil near locations that are being considered for construction in a variety of situations. Before any ground level or underground work can be done, it’s necessary that those involved in completing the project know what ground conditions they are working with and what they may encounter as they progress. This information is important to ensure that they are using the correct tools for the job and that they will not encounter any unexpected obstacles.