Photograph of Isabel Roberts, Northeast Maglev 2022 Summer Marketing Intern

My Maglev Moment: Isabel Roberts, Marketing Intern

Topics: Internship | Student

This summer I had the opportunity to be the marketing intern at Northeast Maglev. Initially, I was a little intimidated to start my first in-person internship ever, not to mention it included hopping on the MARC commuter train, a new experience for me, to get from College Park to Baltimore. But very quickly, I looked … Continued

Photograph of the Superconducting Maglev with the skyline of Baltimore reading We Support Baltimore's Transit Future

Baltimore’s Transit Future

Topics: Baltimore | Northeast Maglev | SCMAGLEV | Transportation

We Support Baltimore's Transit Future The Greater Baltimore Committee (GBC) and Greater Washington Partnership (GWP) recently released a six-point roadmap to improve our regional transportation system. The plan, entitled Baltimoreā€™s Transit Future provides important points of consideration for local leaders and voters to keep in mind as we head to the polls to choose the … Continued
Summer Intern Isabel Roberts

Welcoming Summer Intern Isabel Roberts

Topics: Internship | New Hire | Student

Hometown: Concord, Massachusetts School: University of Maryland Year: Incoming Senior Major: International Business Why are you looking forward to interning at Northeast Maglev? My experience studying abroad in Europe introduced me to the use of high-speed train infrastructure as an efficient, affordable, and environmentally friendly mode of transportation. It sparked my interest in the prospect … Continued
Photograph of tree tops titled Green Initiatives and reading 2022 actions towards clean transportation and a healthy environment

2022 Environmental Initiatives

Topics: Environment | Northeast Maglev | Transportation

New Legislation Prioritizing the Environment and Clean Transportation If you pay attention to the news, you know that the scientific community recently issued several dire warnings about how little time we have left to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Thankfully, many of our federal, state and local representatives have taken action, passing historic … Continued
Graphic for Northeast Maglev New Employee Announcement

Northeast Maglev adds Mary Ellen Tokar

Topics: Culture | Northeast Maglev | People

Northeast Maglev is excited to welcome a new addition to our marketing team, Marketing and Communications Specialist, Mary Ellen Tokar. Mary Ellen Tokar, or Melon, is an enthusiastic Baltimore resident ready to help bring the Northeast Maglev to life. She was drawn to the project by not only the innovative transportation technology, but also the … Continued

Artistic photograph of Maryland's Bay Bridge and the word Maryland where each letter illustrates a concept associated with the state

Maryland Day 2022

Topics: Culture | History | Holiday | Northeast Maglev

Celebrating Maryland's Rich History, March 25 commemorates the formal founding of the colony of Maryland with Europeanā€™s first landfall back in 1634. Maryland Day has been designated as a day to be devoted to the study of Maryland history. Since the state is home to our headquarters, weā€™re taking some time to celebrate some of … Continued
Stylized photograph of the superconducting maglev with a title reading, we're turning 12 - happy anniversary

Celebrating 12 Years

Topics: Culture | History | Northeast Maglev

We're Celebrating 12 Years of Working to Change Transportation in the U.S. March 12, 2022 marks 12 years for the team working to bring the world's most advanced transportation system to the United States. As we continue to look forward to the day when we can ride the superconducting maglev between the major metropolitan areas … Continued
Photograph of the Central Japan Railway Company Superconducting Maglev vehicle dynamics simulator

Central Japan Railway Company Introduces SCMAGLEV Research Simulator

Topics: Events | How Maglev Works | Northeast Maglev | SCMAGLEV

Maglev Vehicle Dynamics Simulator Continues Advancement of SCMAGLEV Technology The SCMAGLEV is getting better every day, thanks to the continuing pursuit of excellence by Central Japan Railway Company. Central Japan Railway Company recently started operation of a ā€œMaglev Vehicle Dynamic Simulatorā€ at the Komaki Research and Development Center. Located outside of Nagoya, the Komaki Research … Continued